Organize to improve the soft skills of students of the Chemical Engineering Department
Achievement of Chemical Engineering Department students in student competitions and exchanges.
Graduates of the Chemical Engineering Department have career opportunities in companies and entrepreneurship.
MALANG, November 23, 2024 – The Polyurethane Team from the Material Technology Laboratory, Chemical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, visited Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang. This visit aimed to obtain...
The Chemical Engineering Department provides Bachelor (S1), Masters (S2) and Doctoral (S3) study programs.
ITS menyediakan jalur pendaftaran program studi sarjana (S1) melalui SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Program Kemitraan dan Mandiri (PKM). Program studi pascasarjana (S2 dan S3) melalui pascasarjana. Bagi calon mahasiswa internasional melalui International Office.
ITS offers more than 200 programs with various basic knowledge groups to prospective students in Indonesia.