Pogram Sarjana Internasional (IUP)

International Undergraduate Program

Program Sarjana Internasional (IUP) di ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) merupakan jalur akademik bergengsi yang dirancang untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan pendidikan yang berdaya saing global. Program ini menawarkan pengajaran berbahasa Inggris, yang menjamin aksesibilitas bagi mahasiswa domestik dan internasional. IUP menekankan landasan yang kuat dalam disiplin ilmu teknis dan ilmiah, sekaligus mengembangkan pengetahuan interdisipliner dan kompetensi lintas budaya. Program ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan lulusan untuk karier yang sukses di dunia yang semakin saling terhubung.

Salah satu manfaat utama IUP adalah fokusnya pada paparan internasional. Mahasiswa berkesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam berbagai program global, termasuk pertukaran pelajar, program gelar ganda, magang internasional, dan kursus musim panas di universitas mitra ternama di seluruh dunia. Pengalaman ini memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk memperluas wawasan, mengembangkan keterampilan antarbudaya, dan membangun jaringan profesional internasional. Selain itu, lulusan IUP sering kali menonjol di pasar kerja karena kemahiran dwibahasa dan perspektif global mereka.

Program ini juga menyediakan berbagai keuntungan akademis, seperti akses ke fasilitas canggih, bimbingan oleh fakultas berpengalaman, dan keterlibatan dalam proyek penelitian kolaboratif. Melalui kombinasi akademis yang ketat dan keterlibatan internasional, IUP di ITS memastikan para siswa dipersiapkan dengan baik untuk memenuhi tuntutan lanskap global yang dinamis.

IUP ditujukan bagi lulusan SMA berkewarganegaraan Indonesia dan Non WNI yang memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh ITS. Program ini menawarkan kurikulum sarjana reguler dan memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengambil bagian dalam kegiatan paparan internasional dalam satu atau lebih kegiatan berikut:

  1. Study excursion
  2. Internship in an international or multinational company
  3. Student exchange
  4. Summer/short course
  5. Joint Degree (only for study programs that offer Joint Degree program)

Student Admission and Eligibility

There are three periods of admission for ITS International Undergraduate Program. Indonesian Nationality and Non-Indonesian Nationality high school or its equivalent (minimum of 12-years of schooling) graduated no longer than three years at the date of admission are eligible to apply for all periods of admission.

General Requirements

  • Indonesian Nationality and Non-Indonesian Nationality high school or its equivalent (minimum of 12-years of schooling) graduated no longer than three years at the date of admission are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants should have excellent academic potential as measured by one of the following:
    1. First Application periods of admission
      • High School Academic Report/transcript; or
      • General SAT Test score conducted by The College Board (http://sat.collegeboard.org), or
      • Cambridge IGCSE score (required subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics).
    2. Second Application periods of admission
      • High School Academic Report/transcript; or
      • General SAT Test score conducted by The College Board (http://sat.collegeboard.org), or
      • Cambridge IGCSE score (required subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics).
    3. Third Application periods of admission
      • UTBK Score; or
      • ITS Academic Test (Tes Kemampuan Akademik) result.
        (Information about ITS Academics Test for Academic Year 2022/2023 will be announced by April 2022)
  • Applicants should have good command and knowledge of English as shown by one of the following English language proficiency results:
    1. TOEFL ITP ≥ 500,
    2. TOEFL IBT ≥ 61,
    3. TOEFL CBT ≥ 173,
    4. IELTS ≥ 6,
    5. TOEIC ≥ 575.
    6. Duolingo English test score ≥ 90

    ITS accepts English language proficiency certificates from official institutions that issue international certificates as follow:

    1. ETS TOEFL, you can check the test centers near your location from the following link https://v2.ereg.ets.org/ereg/public/workflowmanager/schlWorkflow?_p=TEL
    2. ETS TOEFL iBT Home Edition (https://www.ets.org/s/cv/toefl/at-home/)
    3. Duolingo English Test (https://englishtest.duolingo.com)
    4. Britishcouncil IELTS test (https://www.britishcouncilfoundation.id/)
    5. IALF IELTS test (https://www.ialf.edu/id/jadwal-lokasi-tes-ielts-indonesia/)
    6. IIEF (https://www.iief.or.id/toefl-itp-test-schedule)
    7. Language Institutions in Public Universities throughout Indonesia.

You can take the TEFL test held by ITS Language Center and use the TEFL registration number to apply to the IUP program. Please visit the ITS Language Center website for more information on the TEFL test at https://bahasa.its.ac.id

  • Applicants must upload Curriculum Vitae and Motivation Letter.
  • Applicants must fill out Commitment Letter of Parents (download here).
  • Applicants from foreign countries, other than above requirements, must also provide:
    1. Health statement;
    2. Recommendation letter; and
    3. Passport.
Specific Requirements

Having adequate vision function to distinguish colors to avoid learning interference

Registration Steps

The procedure for applying for the IUP is carried out online through the ITS website at
http://admission.its.ac.id/ with the following procedure:

  1. Create myITSadmission account by registering via http://admission.its.ac.id/. Documents that
    need to be prepared to create an account

    • Nomor Induk Kependudukan for Indonesian citizens and passport number for
      foreign citizens; and
    • Color photographsize 4×6 with the blue background, maximum file size 1024 kb,
      and minimum resolution 64×64.
  2. Login to your myITSadmission account using your email and the password for that account
  3. Register for IUP selection. To register online, the prospective applicant must prepare:
    • High school diploma or equivalent (for 2020 and 2021 graduates);
    • High School Academic Report/transcript or SAT Test score or Cambridge IGCSE
    • TOEFL/IELTS or other language proficiency certificates;
    • Motivation Letter;
    • Commitment Letter from Parents (download here);
    • Health Certificate (for foreign countries applicants);
    • Recommendation letter (for foreign countries applicants);
    • Passport (for foreign countries applicants).
  4. Prospective applicants fill in the online registration form in accordance with the instructions
  5. Applicants might choose 2 (two) study programs. The order of choice for the study program
    states the choice priority. Applicants are not allowed to change the study program.
  6. Finalize the application form. (Make sure that the data entered is correct. The application
    data cannot be changed after the form is finalized.)
  7. Once obtaining the Payment Code, applicants can pay the registration fee:
    • IDR 1.000.000,00 for Indonesian nationality.
    • USD 100 for Non-Indonesian nationality.
  8. After you have paid the registration fee, log in to your myITSadmission accountto download
    the Registration Card.
  9. Sign the Registration Card in the space provided. The signed Proof of Registration Card is
    valid as an applicant Identity Card for the ITS Entrance Selection for the International
    Undergraduate Program. This card must be appropriately stored and carried for interview
    test and re-registering when the applicant has been officially declared accepted.

Tuition Fee

Education fees consist of:

Tuition Fee

The tuition fee is paid per semester.
For all International Undergraduate Program:

  1. IDR 25.000.000 for Indonesian nationality
  2. USD 4.500 for Non-Indonesian nationality

Institution Development Donation (IDD)

Institution Development Donation is IDR 75.000.000

  • Education Fees do not cover international exposure program’s costs. Those costs depend on the type of international exposure program and conditional living costs at overseas partner institutions.
  • Any payment that has been made cannot be refunded.

Further Information

Education Directorate:
Kampus ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Telp. 031 5994251-54
Ext. 1012, 1013, 1118
E-mail: admisi@its.ac.id

Non-Indonesian Nationality Applicants:
E-mail: intladmission@its.ac.id