
Sen, 23 Jul 2018
3:15 pm
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IMRCS 2018 stands for Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 that will be held on 13-14 November 2018 in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The theme of this international seminar is “Development Research Potential in Renewable Energy” involving the development of Advanced vehicles, Biomass energy, Bioenergy, Gasification systems, Geothermal energy, Grid connected renewable energy, Hydroelectric power, Hydrogen energy, Ocean thermal energy conversion, Solar energy, Wind energy, ICT for energy, Infrastructure for energy and related interest with these topics.

Further information about IMRCS could be accessed on the website here.

Latest Agenda

  • Jadwal Ujian Progress TA/Tesis/Disertasi - 18 Jul

    Jadwal Ujian Pregress TA/Tesis/Disertasi 8 November 2018, jam 11.00 : Batas akhir pengumpulan draft kemajuan TA 16 November 2018,

    01 Nov 2018
  • Guest Lecture Dr. Stefano Freguia - 05 Nov

    Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC) The University of Queensland

    01 Nov 2018
  • - 18 Jul

    IMRCS 2018 stands for Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 that will be held on 13-14 November 2018 in

    23 Jul 2018
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