Vision and mission


To become a world-class department that contributes to national independence and becomes a reference in education, research, and community service as well as the development of innovations that support residential, industrial and marine environmental infrastructure.


  1. Organizing undergraduate and postgraduate education in the field of environmental engineering and management with international reputation.
  2. Developing science and technology in the field of environmental engineering and management that prioritizes environmental quality, including coastal areas.
  3. Actively disseminating and applying innovative technological works and methods in solving environmental quality problems.
  4. Creating partnership networks with government and private institutions / industries at home and abroad in the field of environmental engineering and management.
  5. Developing ethical values, morals, attitudes and soft skills of the academic community.


The values ​​that the Department of Environmental Engineering wants to instill are:

  1. Ethics and Integrity; in social life, state life, and in carrying out one’s profession, always adhere to the norms and regulations that apply in society, state, and religion
  2. Creativity and Innovation; always looking for new ideas to produce innovation in carrying out one’s duties/roles better
  3. Excellence; trying his best to achieve perfect results
  4. Strong Leadership; demonstrating visionary, creative, innovative, hard-working behavior, daring to make changes for the better, and responsible
  5. Synergy; work together to be able to utilize the potential that is owned as much as possible
  6. Socio-cohesiveness and Social Responsibility; maintaining harmony and caring for the surrounding community


  1. Producing graduates who are devoted to God Almighty, have noble personalities, are ethical, have academic morals, have strong attitudes and values.
  2. Producing graduates who are able to design engineering structures in the field of environmental engineering, produce innovations in preventing and implementing pollution control, and apply innovative technology and design environmental recovery solutions from pollutants, which are oriented towards sophistication and disseminate them through scientific publications at the national or international level.
  3. Mastering the basic principles of theoretical concepts of natural science, applications of engineering mathematics, engineering principles, basic technology for controlling and preventing environmental pollution, and the basic principles of the latest and most current technology, as well as the process of restoring polluted environments.
  4. Able to manage work and make the right decisions based on problem identification, analysis of information and data with insight into sustainable development that includes aspects of the environment and settlements, marine, energy, and information technology and prioritizes concern social.