The Department of Environmental Engineering is under the Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. The Department of Environmental Engineering was established in 1996 with the Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Study Program which was a change from the Sanitation Engineering Undergraduate Study Program.
Educational Objectives of the Department of Environmental Engineering:
To produce graduates who are devoted to God Almighty with noble personalities, ethical, academic morals, and strong attitudes and values. To produce graduates who are able to design engineering structures in the field of environmental engineering, produce innovations in preventing and implementing pollution control, and apply innovative technology and design environmental recovery solutions from pollutants, which are oriented towards sophistication and disseminate them through scientific publications at the national or international level. Master the basic principles of theoretical concepts of natural science, applications of engineering mathematics, engineering principles, basic technology for controlling and preventing environmental pollution, and the basic principles of the latest and most current technology, as well as the process of recovering polluted environments. Able to manage work and make the right decisions based on problem identification, information and data analysis with insight into sustainable development that includes environmental and settlement aspects, maritime, energy, and information technology as well as prioritizing social concern.
Start developing yourself by participating in various programs that provide readiness to face the real world of work as well as internationally recognized skills certification.