With great pride and joy, we, the entire family of the Environmental Engineering Department of ITS, proudly extend our:
🎉 Congratulations and Best Wishes 🎉
on the inauguration of:
As alumni of ITS Environmental Engineering, Class of 1987, the achievements of Mr. Ary Sudijanto and Mr. Sigit Reliantoro not only bring pride to their alma mater but also serve as an inspiration for younger generations to continue striving and contributing their best to the nation.
This new responsibility is a significant mandate that will profoundly impact the future of sustainable environmental management and natural resources in Indonesia. We are confident that under their leadership, progressive policies prioritizing innovation, sustainability, and societal welfare will emerge.
May they always be granted strength, health, and success in carrying out their duties. Continue to be exemplary figures for all of us.
With respect, The Family of Environmental Engineering ITS
#itscampus #dtlits #ProudTLITS #AlumniAchievements #TowardsSustainableEnvironment
With respect, we, the extended family of the ITS Environmental Engineering Department, would like to express our deepest congratulations
With great respect, we, the extended family of the ITS Environmental Engineering Department, express our highest appreciation to you