Management information system

To facilitate student access to the lecture process on campus, there is a Management Information System facility that can be accessed at any time, with a Single Sign On system of one account for all applications, it is expected that transparency of information can be accessed in real time by students.

The Department of Environmental Engineering has several applications and information systems for students, including the e-catalog reading room application, the final assignment information system and the Tracer Study Application. Find applications that facilitate your learning process at ITS here.

Integrated Information System

An information system that allows students to take courses, view course grades, the number of credits they have taken, and so on independently using the internet. This information system can be accessed at the address:

Digital Reading Room (E-Catalog)

Find an information system that collects information about the number of books available in the Environmental Engineering Reading Room to make it easier to find textbook references and the borrowing process in the Reading Room. You will be asked to log in to your account to ensure security.

To make it easier to find the book catalog available in the Department’s Reading Room, an e-Catalog is provided containing a collection of books that can be borrowed in the Reading Room. The e-Catalog of the book collection can be accessed at:

Final Assignment Monitoring

Find an information system that collects information about Final Projects here. In this information system you can register your Final Project proposal, and find your Final Project session/seminar schedule your Final Project seminar here.

Laboratory Usage Management Information System

Find an information system that will make it easier for you to use the Laboratory facilities in the Department of Environmental Engineering. With this Information System, Laboratory usage permits can be done independently and online.

The Laboratory Usage Permit System can be accessed here.

Tracer Study Information System

Find an information system that collects information about study tracking here. This information system collects student feedback data related to guest lectures and data collection for students who will carry out their graduation.

As for alumni, an alma mater communication forum is provided ~ and the data will be used as it should and will not be disseminated.

Currently, there are 1299 alumni who have been registered. Hopefully on this occasion, at least we can map the distribution of alumni, establish communication and friendship with alumni, and so on. Tracer study for alumni can be accessed here.