Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering ITS has a reputation at the national and international level. This is evidenced by accreditation and certificates that guarantee the quality of education and research in the Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering. Find information about accreditation and certificates using Material Engineering and Combining.
Material and Metallurgical Engineering Department The Bachelor Study Program has been declared a department with accreditation A (highest accreditation) by BAN-PT Indonesia while the material engineering department and metallurgical Postgraduate study program have been declared as departments with B accreditation by BAN-PT Indonesia.
Accreditation certificates for the 2005-2010 Bachelor study program can be downloaded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2011-2016 Bachelor study program can be downloaded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2015-2020 Bachelor study program can be downloaded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2017-2020 Bachelor study program can be downloaded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2020-2025 Bachelor study program can be downloaded here
Accreditation certificates for the 2021-2023 Bachelor study program (SUPERIOR CRITERIA) can be downloaded here
Accreditation certificates IABEE 2018 for undergraduate program can be downloaded here.
Certificates certification AUN-QA for the 2021-2026 Bachelor study program can be downloaded here.
Report on the Results of the Interim General Accreditation Evaluation IABEE can be downloaded here.
International Accreditation Certificate IABEE year 2021 for Bachelor Program can be downloaded here
Accreditation certificates for the 2014-2019 Master study program can be downloaded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2018-2023 Master study program can be downloaded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2008-2013 Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya can be downloded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2014-2019 Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya can be downloded here.
Accreditation certificates for the 2018-2023 Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya can be downloded here.
Material and Metallurgical Engineering Department ITS has received the 3rd best study program award certificate from SPMI here.