The Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering (DTMM) is from the Metallurgical study program in the FTI-ITS Mechanical Engineering Department which was established in 1999 (based on the decree of Minister of Education and Culture number 178 / DIKTI / Kep / 1998). The establishment of this new department is based on the need for special expertise in the field of materials and metallurgy in Indonesia.
In the beginning, DTMM was colored by Metallurgical science and Corrosion Control. Over time and adjusting scientific developments in the fields of material engineering and metallurgy, the fields studied are not limited to metals but are increasingly widespread such as polymers, composites, ceramics, electronic materials etc. as well as the scope of fields studied starting from upstream to downstream. Starting from the process of extracting and refining material and minerals that utilize natural resources that are abundant in Indonesia. The independence of technology in the management of materials and minerals will have an impact on the welfare of the Indonesian people. Downstream technology in the material field also developed in DTMM which can be seen from several applied research in the fields of solar cells, polymers, batteries, manufacturing technology, materials for defense, biomaterials, coating, corrosion control etc.
Based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board (BAN) PT No: 119 / SK / BAN-PT / AK-PNB / S / III / 2018, undergraduate study programs (S1) DTMM get the highest accreditation “A”. The main process of managing education in DTMM is synergizing scientific understanding of lectures in classrooms and application capabilities with research or practicum in the laboratory. At the moment, DTMM has 7 laboratories namely the Mechanical Metallurgical Lab, Manufacturing Technology Lab, Lab. Material and Mineral Processing, Material Innovation lab, Material Physics Lab, Material Chemistry Lab, Corrosion Lab, and Material Failure. The learning process at DTMM is supported by 24 lecturers and 18 educators.
In 2012, the DTMM opened a postgraduate program based on Decree No. Mendibud RI Decree No 107 / E / O / 2013 dated 16 April 2013. Currently, the postgraduate program in Material and Metallurgical Engineering has a double degree program with several universities in Taiwan including NTUST and NCU where the first year students study at ITS and the second year at the partner university.