Bachelor Degree (S1)

Bachelor Degree (S1)


The Bachelor Degree of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Study Program , Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (IND-SYS), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember has the scientific field, expertise and profession of Materials Science and Engineering . The Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Study Program, has scientific fields, expertise and professions in Material Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering. Various types of materials are used in various fields of human life needs. Various materials are used as technical components to meet the various needs of human life. Materials science and technology and metallurgy are required to produce high quality materials. This forms the Field of Science and Expertise in Materials Engineering and Metallurgy. In general, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering studies the properties (properties) of metal (metal) materials, ceramics, polymers and composites and their engineering technology. Material engineering and metallurgical properties consist of mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical properties, thermal properties, electrical properties and others. Materials engineering technology deals with the structure of materials and their manufacturing processes such as casting, welding, heat treatment and others. The field of science and expertise in Material Engineering and Metallurgy is built on three foundations of knowledge of structure, properties and material processing as a Body of Knowledge



Individual who is able to solve problems in profession of materials -metallurgical engineering and other with good moral personality and leadership as continuous self improvement



  1. Individual who are able to solve problems in managing and utilizing local, national and global resources based on the principles of basic science and materials-metallurgical engineering
  2. Individual who has good moral personality and leadership, able to communicate and solving in task in organization considering profession ethics and other ethic
  3. Individual who is able to do continuous self improvement



  1. LO A is the ability to solve materials engineering and metallurgical problems using science, technology, and mathematics.
  2. LO B is the ability to design components, systems, and processes for materials and metallurgical engineering based on engineering, economy, energy, environment, and sustainability.
  3. LO C is the ability to formulate decisions based on data analysis, information, experiments, and or practical experience.
  4. LO D is the ability to identify, analyze and formulate alternative solutions for materials engineering and metallurgy.
  5. LO E is the ability to apply modern tools for engineering design and analysis.
  6. LO F is the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and writing.
  7. LO G is the ability to plan, complete and evaluate tasks within existing constraints as needed.
  8. LO H is the ability to work in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams nationally and internationally.
  9. LO I is the ability to be responsible to society and comply with professional ethics in solving problems in materials engineering and metallurgy.
  10. LO J is the ability to learn throughout life and understand complex problems.
  • Education Implementation Survey click here
  • Document of Survey Results for Alumni and Graduate Users, click here
  • Tracer Study Data: Click Tracer Study Document here



In the Undergraduate Program in the department of material engineering and metallurgy, there are 4 areas of expertise, namely:

  1. Extractive Metallurgy
  2. Manufacturing Metallurgy
  3. Corrosion and Failure
  4. Innovative Materials





CURRICULUM 2023-2028

Matakuliah Semester 1 SKS Matakuliah Semester 2 SKS
Calculus 1 3 Calculus 2 3
Mechanics Physics 4 Physics of Electricity and Magnetism 3
Chemistry 1 4 Statistics 2
Introduction of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering 2 Metallurgical 1 3
Engineering and Machinery Drawings 2 Phase and Transformation Diagrams 2
Computer Programming 3 Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3
Jumlah SKS 18 Energy Conversion Machine 2
Jumlah SKS 18

Keterangan :

MK Gambar Teknik dan Mesin +Tugas Besar

Matakuliah Semester 3 SKS Matakuliah Semester 4 SKS
Calculus 3 3 Materials Chemistry 2
Physics 3 3 Transport Phenomena 4
Chemistry 2 2 Machine Elements 2
Biology 2 Biomaterial 2
Metallurgical 2 3 Heat Treatment 3
Materials Thermodynamics 3 Manufacturing Process 1 3
Numerical Analysis and Modeling 3 Ceramic and Glass Materials 3
Polymer Materials 2
 Jumlah SKS 18 Jumlah SKS 21

Information :

MK Heat Treatment + Practice

MK Manufacturing Process 1 + Big Task

MK Polymer Materials  + Big Task

Matakuliah Semester 5 SKS Matakuliah Semester 6 SKS
Iron and Steel Manufacturing Process 3 Technology Applications and Digital Transformation 3
Welding Technology 3 Indonesian 2
Corrosion and control 3 Citizenship 2
Materials Characterization 3 Metallurgical Extraction and Refining Processes 3
Fault Mechanics and Failure Analysis 3 Finite Element Method 3
Casting Technology 3 Manufacturing Process 2 2
Choise 1 3 Composite Materials 3
Production Management 3
Jumlah SKS 21 Jumlah SKS 21

Information :

MK Welding Technology + Big Task

MK Casting Technology + Big Task

Information :

MK Manufacturing Process 2 + Big Task

MK Composit Materials *Enrichment

Matakuliah Semester 7 SKS Matakuliah Semester 8 SKS
English 2 Final Project 4
Technology Based Entrepeneurship 2 Choises 3 3
Religion 2 Jumlah SKS 7
Pancasila 2
Industrial Process Design 3
Research Methodology 3
Practical Work 2
Choises 2 Enrichment 3
Jumlah SKS 19

Information :

MK Industrial Process Design + Big Task

MK Research Methodology and Scientific Writing : 1 SKS Final Project Proposal Seminar





Kode MK

Course Code

Nama Mata Kuliah (MK)

Course Name



1 TL234540 Non Destructive and Risk Based Inspection 3
2 TL234541 High Temperature Corrosion 3
3 TL234542 Electronics Materials 3
4 TL234543 Materials Conversion and Energy Storage 3
5 TL234544 Magnetic Materials 3
6 TL234545 Polymer Materials 3
7 TL234546 Wood Composite 3
8 TL234547 Deformation and Forming Processes 3
9 TL234548 Occupational Health and Safety 3
10 TL234849 Advanced Materials Strength 3
11 TL234850 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
12 TL234851 Composite Mechanics 3
13 TL234852 Coating Technology 3
14 TL234853 Recycling Technology 3
15 TL234854 Materials For Maritime 3
16 TL234855 Minerals Processing 3
17 TL234856 Apprenticeship 1 3
18 TL234857 Apprenticeship 2 3
19 TL234858 Special topics: Engineering Economics, Optical Materials, Refractory Materials, Metallurgy Manufacturing, Powder Metallurgy, Superalloys, Quality control and reliability, Operational Research, Electronics and Instrumentation, Electrochemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics 3

+P = Prakticum

+P = Laboratory practical

+TB = Big Task

+A = Assignment

*= Service Enrichment Course

*= Enrichment Course Service


For course schedule, click here


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Download Assessment Method Plan 2018-2023 clik here

Download Curriculum Book 2018-2023 clik here

Download Curriculum Book 2023-2028 clik here

Download Semester Learning Plan Book 2018-2023 clik here

Download Curriculum Development book 2018-2023 click here

Download Syllabus Curriculum Development 2018-2023 clik here

Download RPS Curriculum 2018-2023 clik here

Download Quality Assurance Guide clik here 

Download Transfer Credit for International Exchange Program click here

Download Procedure for Assessment, Evaluation and Follow Up of Learning Outcomes here

Download letter of additional learning outcomes in the judicial process here

Download Syllabus Curriculum 2018-2023 (SN DIKTI Version) here

Download Calender Academic 2023-2024 here