“World changes and it changes rapidly. Now 4.0 era remarks the changes, in which digitalization, online activities and social media interactions color daily lives. While present societies benefitted much, they also face challenges at the same time with the coming of such era. On the other hand, 5.0 era is also soon to come. Here, Graduate Study Program DTMM offers courses and researches that cope with such developments and challenges through deep understanding of “matters / substances / materials” world – a world awaiting to be explored by your creative minds, for industries, societies and mankind prosperities. So, do not hesitate to start your endeavor and journey into brighter future by joining us here.”
(Head of Graduate Study Program, DTMM ITS – Prof. Mas Irfan Purbawanto Hidayat, PhD)
Established since 26 Juni 2012 (with SK:107/E/O/2013), Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering is under the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya (now Faculty of Industrial Technology and System Engineering). The Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering has a Vision to be a Department that has excellence, global competence in the field of material engineering and technology to support the development of science and technology and industry. Producing graduates who are of high quality, have high competence, professionals in the field of engineering and materials technology and are able to develop networking with industry is the mission of the Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering. Especially in processing materials and metals to become a product that can be utilized. Material and Metallurgical Engineering students are prepared to be human beings skilled in designing and analyzing industrial needs, designing project development in a material context that comprehensively combines aspects of IT infrastructure (information technology), such as hardware, software, networks, data, organizational hierarchy, processes and procedures, and not to forget human and cultural resources, and policies and regulations. Students are also provided with basic skills and progress in the application and development of hardware, processing and analyzing data characterization.
International accreditation:
Full acredited by ASIIN Germany (2022-2028)
National accreditation:
Very good by LAM Teknik (2023-2028)
Vission of Study Program
An innovative study program that has expertise and global competence on materials engineering and technology to develop industries and global networking
Mission of Study Program
Providing education, research, and social contributions to result graduates with high quality, competence and professional in materials engineering and technology, doing continuous self improvement as well as developing global networking to support national industries competitiveness
In order to sharpen the graduate profiles, Graduate Study Program DTMM ITS has lectures (PhD qualification) which are the best in their respective fields as follows (alphabetically order):
Materials Development Research
Agung Purniawan, Prof. Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Agung-Purniawan-2139495883
Azzah Dyah Pramata, Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Azzah_Pramata2
Diah Susanti, Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Diah_Susanti
Sutarsis https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suta_Sutarsis
Lukman Noerochim, Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lukman_Noerochim2
Hariyati Purwaningsih https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hariyati_Purwaningsih
Materials Innovation and Computation Research
Hosta Ardhyananta, Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hosta_Ardhyananta
Mas Irfan Purbawanto Hidayat, Prof. Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mas_Hidayat
Sigit Tri Wicaksono, Dr.(Head of Department) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sigit_Tri_Wicaksono2
Materials Processing, Metallurgy and Characterization Research
Sulistijono, Prof. Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sulistijono-Sulistijono
Sungging Pintowantoro, Prof. Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sungging_Pintowantoro
Widyastuti, Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Widyastuti-Widyastuti-4
Yuli Setiyorini, Dr. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuli-Setiyorini
Yusuf Pradesar, PhD. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yusuf-Pradesar
Alvian Toto Wibisono, PhD. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alvian_Wibisono
In addition, Graduate Study Program DTMM ITS also has PhD candidates (alphabetically order):
Fakhreza Abdul https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Fakhreza-Abdul-2153374937
The objectives of this programme is to produce graduates with the following competencie
For by research program, students should also have to pass 36 Credits. In general, loads for graduate students taking by research program are as follows, in which emphasizing on research becomes a distinct remark for graduate study program by research.
Please refer to the following ITS Rector Decree about postgraduate program by research
Detail of our program by research here
ITS along with its faculties and departments cooperates actively with other universities in the world in terms of academics and research. List of MoU and MoA may be found in the following links:
In particular, Graduate Study Program in Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (DTMM) also establishes joint/double/dual master degree with Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Central University (NCU) Taiwan and Departement of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan. The partnership in double degree program may be downloaded here: link 1, link 2, link 3
In addition, Graduate Study Program in DTMM also has several collaborations in research and organization of international conference (among others icommet.org) with other universities in Asia such as Universiti Teknologi Petronas (LoA), Malaysia, Tohoku University, Japan and Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
For international publication, DTMM posses an international journal i.e. “Materials Research Communications (MRC)” as in the following link:
Graduate study program in DTMM ITS produces graduate competencies in the following fields:
The category represents competencies of graduate of master program in DTMM ITS, as shown by a graphic below
To achieve reliable and recognized graduate competencies, DTMM ITS has classroom model supported by online and interactive learning facilities such as zoom, including uploaded videos in youtube. Using such facilities, graduate study program DTMM ITS can serve distance learning classes as per requested as well.
In addition, DTMM ITS also has frontier labs which guide and produce researches in the levels of national and international. Some labs have been even awarded prestigious research grant from LPDP (https://www.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/), including some our master students as well. Our frontier researches include: minerals and materials processing, high temperature corrosion, materials for applications in defense, electronics and energy, battery, drug, medical implants and devices, polymer, composite and functional materials, 3D and 4D printing as well as modeling and computational materials, chemistry and mechanics, including molecular dynamics.
List of our laboratories (along with members and research fields) in DTMM ITS may be found in the following link: https://www.its.ac.id/tmaterial/fasilitation/laboratories/
The following graphic shows graduate profiles from Graduate Study Program DTMM ITS, for both by course and by research programs. Having the profiles, all graduates from Graduate Study Program DTMM ITS can basically engage in almost all fields of interest, as engineer, practioner, industrialist, entrepreneur, research scientist as well as academician.
Particularly for by research program, there would have been indeed a more emphasize on the aspect of ability and capability in doing research. To graduate very well, all students taking by research program are required, among others, to successfully publish:
The publication requirement mentioned above is indeed more demanding in comparison to that for students in by course program, which require to publishing only one paper i.e. one paper presented in an international conference or one paper published in a national journal or one paper published in an international journal.
Yusuf Pradesar, ST, MT, MSc, PhD
Dr. Hariyati Purwaningsih, S.Si, M.Si
Alvian Toto Wibisono
Assalamualaikum, wr. wb. Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu Responden.
Sehubungan dengan dilaksanakannya studi kelayakan dalam rangka Pembukaan Program Doktoral (S-3) Teknik Material dan Metalurgi, Departemen Teknik Material dan Metalurgi, FT-IRS, ITS Surabaya, kami mohon kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu mengisi Angket di bawah ini untuk menghimpun masukan/respon masyarakat terhadap Pembukaan Program Doktoral (S-3) Teknik Material dan Metalurgi.
Kami menjamin bahwa setiap informasi yang Anda sampaikan akan dijaga kerahasiaannya. Nama Anda ataupun setiap informasi yang memungkinkan untuk mengidentifikasi Anda dalam laporan studi tidak akan digunakan.
Partisipasi Anda sepenuhnya bersifat sukarela. Anda berhak untuk berhenti berpartisipasi setiap saat, atau menolak menjawab sebagian pertanyaan. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan apapun terkait studi ini, jangan segan-segan untuk menanyakannya kepada tim yang mewawancarai/melakukan survey.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Sekretaris Tim (Azzah Dyah Pramata, ST, MT, MEng, PhD. 081230850228)
SOP_for Seminar or Viva Thesis_Master Program_DTMM ITS
Thesis Writing Guidelines 2021 ENG
Dispensation Form for accident_sick_dissability_ASIIN
Procedure for Study Leave_ Forlough
Grade Appealing Procedure
1. Our alumni Akhmad Berryl Widyartha had been awarded thesis and research scholarship from LPDP in the year 2019
2. Our alumni Alfreda Kresna Altama had been enrolled in the exchange program with NTUST Taiwan in the year 2020
3. Our alumni Bagus Purnawira and Afandi Yusuf had been enrolled in the joint research program in NTUST Taiwan with partial scholarship support in the year 2020
4. Our student Ahmad Fahmi Prakoso is currently accepted in the joint research program in Kumamoto University, Japan in the year 2022