Dear Materials students here we post some information about internship program from Astra Daihatsu
Good afternoon DTM students! The period of 18/19 lectures has ended. But don’t forget
It was informed to the 2017 DTM students that the 2019 Bakti
It was informed to DTM students that BCA Finance Scholarships had been
Acceptance of Job Training PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk on behalf of the students
Acceptance of Job Training PT. Indonesia Aerospace (IAe) on behalf of the students of
It was informed to DTM students that the Chandra Asri Petrochemical Scholarship Program had
“HMMT FOUNDATION” Congratulations for those who have passed the HMMT FOUNDATION file selection, the
Truly a beautiful struggle is when you are able to complete the struggle and
Acceptance of Job Training PT. INALUM (Persero) on behalf of the students of the
Acceptance of Job Training PT. Badak LNG on behalf of students: Muhammad Walid A
Welcome in Minerals and Materials Processing Laboratory Our Mission Commercialization of minerals and materials
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Manufacturing Lab is a laboratory in which studies of the manufacturing of materials such
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