Job Training / Internship

S1 Study Program The Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering ITS offers 2 (two) types of practical work for students, namely:

  1. Job Training, Namely the students are doing the process of an apprentice work in the company effective each day for 1.5 up to two months. Usually done during the holiday college the first half the even.
  2. Kapita Selekta, The student do a certain job by overcoming apprentice in the company for 1 (one) semester. Although there is no obligation present in a place kp every day, but kp type capita selekta is still require students to total hours presence in the kp. Kp type capita selekta is possible during the class with students provide days certain to present in a place kp .

For the complete transcript to , can download a guidebook practice opening hours in here

Foreign companies that have been working together with Departemen Material and Metallurgy Engineering ITS

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1. PT. Krakatau Steel Kerjasama dalam pembimbingan Kerja Praktek 2018 2018 Mahasiswa dan dosen Jurusan Teknik Material memberikan solusi mengatasi problem kerja di dunia industri
2. PT. Pertamina, Tbk Kerjasama dalam pembimbingan Kerja Praktek 2018 2018 Mahasiswa dan dosen Jurusan Teknik Material memberikan solusi mengatasi problem kerja di dunia industri
3. PT. Badak LNG Kerjasama dalam pembimbingan Kerja Praktek 2018 2018 Mahasiswa dan dosen Jurusan Teknik Material memberikan solusi mengatasi problem kerja di dunia industri
4. PT. Indonesia Aerospace Kerjasama dalam pembimbingan Kerja Praktek 2018 2018 Mahasiswa dan dosen Jurusan Teknik Material memberikan solusi mengatasi problem kerja di dunia industri
5. PT. GMF Aeroasia Kerjasama dalam pembimbingan Kerja Praktek 2018 2018 Mahasiswa dan dosen Jurusan Teknik Material memberikan solusi mengatasi problem kerja di dunia industri
6. PT. PJB Kerjasama dalam pembimbingan Kerja Praktek 2018 2018 Mahasiswa dan dosen Jurusan Teknik Material memberikan solusi mengatasi problem kerja di dunia industri