
Gain Knowledge and Experience in the National Vital Asset Company of PT. East Kalimantan Fertilizer

Wed, 11 Sep 2019
9:24 am
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No one in East Kalimantan thought that the area that was rumored to be nominated by the capital of the republic of Indonesia became the region with the largest per capita income in Indonesia. Although the City of Bontang, East Kalimantan Province is only inhabited by 165 thousand people, its natural wealth is extraordinary. Bontang is flanked by several BUMN and private companies such as PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT. Badak LNG and PT. Pertamina (Persero). So it’s no wonder this small city is the first position in the city with the highest income per capita.

What an extraordinary opportunity that Ari Pranata Kusuma ITS Material Engineering and Metallurgy students of 2016 took part in the Certified Internship Program (PMMB) batch 2 at PT. East Kalimantan Fertilizer, Bontang. The program is organized by the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) and the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) aims to produce graduates who are ready and potential with industry certificates by SOEs and competency certificates by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).

“With the experience of participating in this program and working for the next 6 months, I can directly apply the competencies from lectures to the field. Working in the 1 Technical Inspection Department of PT. East Kalimantan Fertilizer I learned how failure analysis, loading, pipping and instrument diagrams, corrosion and many others directly the application is not only based on literature. Material analysis and testing is also carried out, both non destructive tests in the field and destructive tests in laboratory with very adequate test equipment, he said.

Not only experience will be gained, relations and learning from all employees about how the processing from coal fuel and natural gas to ammonia and urea. But memories are also created both with employees, alumni and other fellow students of the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology students, the Kalimantan Institute of Technology and the Batan STTN.

Therefore, as students, they will fight in the world of work and will be followed by Industry 4.0, and the Asean Economic Community, are we ready to face it. What makes us have more value compared to all students from all over the university. Not only internships and professional certification, the added value can be achieved by enriching ourselves from international competition, organizations, student exchanges, internships, and so on which all campuses have facilitated and we must make the best use of it.

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