ECPFA (Engineering Collage Partnership Forum in Asia) 2019 program held by IO ITS invited student and professor from NCKU, Taiwan and Kobe University, Japan. At this program, Prof. Jyh-Ming Ting from Materials Science and Engineering Department of NCKU Taiwan visit our department in order to escalate research collaboration. In the opportunity of this lecture meeting session we discuss the possibility that can be performed between our department and NCKU. In addition, this moment also gives us to follow up our MoU/MoA which was submitted to NCKU a few months ago. This meeting result in several points; first, even though the MoU/MoA has not been signed yet by NCKU, research collaboration is welcome. Such as for master student, they can complete their subject in our department during one year, and conduct research in Materials Science and Engineering, Department of NCKU Taiwan for the next one year. Second, our department initiate to have International University Partner (IUP) with NCKU to succeed the New International class program launched by ITS starting this semester. And the third, last but not least, our department will held International conference on 2020, namely ICOMMET 2020. And we invite student and academic collage in NCKU to join in our conference.
ITS Antasena Team, most of whom were students from the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, succeeded in becoming
The Foreign Technical Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of State Secretariat KTLN opens scholarships/training for overseas technical cooperation with
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