Staff List

Nama Staff
Wawan Sri Wahyudi, S.E.
NIP 197309252006041001
Fungsi Kasubbag Departemen
Job Desc 1. Make sure the facilities and infrastructure to the well

2. conditioned all staff not cease to be in commemoration of everyone

Nama Staff
Moh. Abdul Chanan, S.T
NIP 197005052000031001
Fungsi technical laboratorium metalurgi
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Help students perform lab work.

2. Help students and teachers implement the study and testing industry.

Nama Staff
Chudhor Chuseini Mujianto
NIP 197908162007011001
Fungsi Sarana dan prasarana
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Make sure the facilities and and infrastructure in the department of properly meet
Nama Staff
Kusnul Ainiyah
NIP 1983201822020
Fungsi Assistant pengadministrasi financial
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Help secretary departments in terms of set out of the treasury department
Nama Staff
Diah Pancaningrum
NIP 198412252009102002
Fungsi Academic Administration
Email  –
Job Desc Help student to fix all study, final study exc
Nama Staff
NIP 197405142007101001
Fungsi Administrative officer S2
Email  –
Job Desc 1. The provision of the service the administration of academic

2.The provision of the service persuratan

Nama Staff
Ridha Widhianto, A.Md
NIP 198111302014041001
Fungsi Technical laboratorium
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Help students implement lab work.

2. Help students and faculty implement the study and testing industry.

Nama Staff
Yeny Widya Rakhmawati, A.Md
NIP 199009022014042001
Fungsi technical laboratorium
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Help students implement lab work.

2. Help students and lecturers carry out research or testing industry.

Nama Staff
Ahmad Dafikin
NIP 260010001
Fungsi Technical laboratorium kegagalan material
Email  –
Job Desc 1.Help students perform lab work.

2. Help students and teachers implement the study and testing industry.

Nama Staff
Dinda Ramadani, A.Md
NIP 260014001
Fungsi Technical Computer
Job Desc 1. Update a web the department of

2. Maintain the stability the internet the department of

3. Keeping device TIK

Nama Staff
Indro Sutrisno
NIP 1993201721511
Fungsi parking attendants
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Maintain security and control the parking lot
Nama Staff
Russalia Istiani, A. Md
Fungsi Technical laboratorium karakterisasi Material
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Help students implement lab work.

2. Help students and teachers carry out the study and testing industry.

Nama Staff
Wahyu Basuki Rahmat
Fungsi Cleaning servis
Email  –
Job Desc 1. Clean and ensure beautiful environment to the department of
Nama Staff
Fungsi Cleaning Servis
Job Desc 1. clear and cleanse his and it would ensure beautiful environment to the department of
Nama Staff
Nur Hidayat
Fungsi Cleaning Servis
Job Desc 1. clear and cleanse his and it would ensure beautiful environment to the department of
Nama Staff
Fungsi Cleaning Servis
Job Desc 1. clear and cleanse his and it would ensure beautiful environment to the department of
Nama Staff Sandi Bayu
Fungsi Cleaning Servis
Job Desc 1. clear and cleanse his and it would ensure beautiful environment to the department of
Nama Staff Haryono
Fungsi Technician Engineering
Job Desc 1. clear and cleanse his and it would ensure beautiful environment to the department of
Nama Staff Lovinda Lusya Florenza, S.Par
NIP 2002202442158
Fungsi Administration
Email /
Job Desc Backup all administrative department