The Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering provides various information needed by students and prospective students in the academic field. Explore various information to plan academic activities here.
- The longest study period for Bachelor students is 14 semesters.
- Student evaluation is conducted at the end of semester two and four.
- Students are allowed to continue their studies if: a) At the end of the second semester, graduating 18 credits from 36 credits that have been taken in the preparation stage gets an GPA ≥ 2.0. b) At the end of the fourth semester, the entire preparation stage (36 credits) has taken an GPA ≥ 2.0 without D and E.
- Students who are inactive for 2 consecutive semesters are considered resigning.
- Students are permitted to apply for study leave after attending at least the first two semesters, except being sick and hospitalized or pregnant is permitted to apply for leave even though the first semester.
- Leave is given at most 4 semesters during study at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
- Each leave can be given as many as 2 consecutive semesters.
- Request leave must be submitted to the Rector at the time of re-registration and no later than 4 weeks after the semester begins, except for students who are sick and hospitalized or pregnant. Requests must be accompanied by supporting documents approved by academic advisors, head of department and deans.
- Students who get permission to leave are required to pay administrative fees in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Leave submitted by students who are sick and hospitalized or pregnant after the semester has been running for four weeks or more, the tuition fees paid are irrevocable.
Graduation Requirements:
Students are declared to have passed if they have successfully completed the entire study load of 144 credits including the final assignment and have learning outcomes targeted by the study program without the D and E grades; and fulfill the minimum value requirements of one of the Foreign Languages 477 and SKEM 1300. And upload 1 (one) final assignment-based scientific article on the official portal of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
Predicate of Graduation:
*) Minimal Value BC
Students are declared to have stopped studying or dismissed if:
- Resign at your own request;
- Not re-registering 2 semesters in a row;
- Study period is up;
- Violating ITS regulations.
Study Termination is determined through the Rector’s Decree
Full version of academic regulations can be downloaded here.