Head Department’s Welcome

Dr. Ir. Atok Setiyawan, M.Eng.Sc.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Since its establishment in 1957 until now, the FTI Mechanical Engineering Department has developed from one study program into two study programs: Bachelor (S1), and Postgraduate (S2 and S3). The Department of Mechanical Engineering is performing self-improvement; sharpen its vision and strategy for the future challenging issues. The missions of Mechanical Engineering Department are: (1) Organizing Mechanical Engineering Education programs to deliver alumni of excellent quality who are ready to compete worldwide through educational activities, researches, and community services, (2) conduct and publish the research results on Mechanical Engineering in national, regional and international forums and (3) apply the research results to solve industrial and community problems.

In 2010, the Department of Mechanical Engineering announced that the development of education, research and community service was carried out by empowering and prioritizing the role of their laboratory based on lab-based education (LBE).

The curriculum in the Department of Mechanical Engineering is built to deliver graduates with a good fundamental of mechanical engineering science and its implementation in the Mechanical Engineering field. Besides that, graduates from the Mechanical Engineering Department are prepared to be able to compete globally both in an industry and graduate/post-graduate studies.

I would like to open an opportunity for you to join with us and become a part of the Mechanical Engineering Department’s Family. Finally, as the head of the department, I express my highest gratitude and appreciation to all people who have already developed this Department. Hopefully, our effort will give mankind a great benefit.

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb

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