Master Degree – Curriculum

Curriculum (2018-2023)

This curriculum is in effect from 2018 to 2023

The structure of the curriculum of the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program refers to the Rector’s Decree No. 32 of 2019 which provides a minimum study load of 36 credits with additional activities, equivalent to 120 ECTS. The MoME program offers four areas of specialization, namely:

  • Mechanical Systems Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Energy conversion technology
  • Metallurgy

The structure of the curriculum for each department follows the same pattern, namely a load of 36 credits (SKS) scheduled for four semesters, with 11 credits of required courses, 15 credits of electives, and 10 credits of thesis (2 credits of thesis proposal and 8 credits of thesis).

The document of Curriculum 2018-2023 can be downloaded here

Curriculum (2018-2023)
Semester I
1TM185100Research Methods and Scientific Communication23.23%
2TM185101Advance Engineering Mathematics34.84%
3TM185102Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineering34.84%
4TM185103Design of Experiments34.84%
Semester 2
1TM1852xxElective Course 1 34.84%
2TM1852xxElective Course 234.84%
3TM1852xxElective Course 334.84%
4TM1852xxElective Course 434.84%
Semester 3
1TM1852xxElective Course 5 34.8 4%
2TM185300Thesis Proposal23.23%
Semester 4
1TM185400Thesis 812.811%
Total Credits of Courses3657.648%
Co-Curricular Activities
1TOEFL (SMT 1)23.23%
2Compulsory and Elective Course (SMT 1-3)2641.635%
3Literature Review (SMT 2-3)23.23%
4Thesis - Proposal (SMT 3)23.23%
5Thesis - Support Works (SMT 3-4)34.84%
6Thesis - Publication (SMT 4)23.23%
7Thesis - Final Defense23.23%
Total Credits of Co-Curricular Activities3962.452%
Total Credits75120.0100%

Curriculum (2023-2028)

This curriculum is in effect from 2023 to 2028

The structure of the curriculum of the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program refers to the Rector’s Decree No. 18 of 2023 which provides a minimum study load of 36 credits with additional activities, equivalent to 120 ECTS. The MoME program offers four areas of specialization, namely:

  • Mechanical Systems Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Energy conversion technology
  • Metallurgy

The structure of the curriculum for each department follows the same pattern, namely a load of 36 credits (SKS) scheduled for four semesters, with 11 credits of required courses, 15 credits of electives, and 10 credits of thesis.

The document of Curriculum 2023-2028 can be downloaded here

Curriculum (2023-2028)
Semester I
1TM235100Research Methods and Scientific Communication23.23%
2TM235101Advance Engineering Mathematics34.84%
3TM235102Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineering34.84%
4TM235103Design of Experiments34.84%
Semester 2
1TM2352xxElective Course 1 34.84%
2TM2352xxElective Course 234.84%
3TM2352xxElective Course 334.84%
Semester 3
1TM2352xxElective Course 4 34.8 4%
2TM2352xxElective Course 5 34.84%
Semester 4
1TM235400Thesis 1016.011%
Total Credits of Courses3657.648%
Co-Curricular Activities
1TOEFL (SMT 1)23.23%
2Compulsory and Elective Course (SMT 1-3)2641.635%
3Literature Review (SMT 2-3)23.23%
4Thesis - Proposal (SMT 3)23.23%
5Thesis - Support Works (SMT 3-4)34.84%
6Thesis - Publication (SMT 4)23.23%
7Thesis - Final Defense23.23%
Total Credits of Co-Curricular Activities3962.452%
Total Credits75120.0100%

Mata Kuliah Pilihan S2

No.Kode MKNama Mata Kuliah Pilihansks
1TM185201Mekanika Fluida Lanjut3
2TM185202Termodinamika Lanjut3
3TM185203Perpindahan Panas dan Masa3
4TM185204Kinematika & Dinamika Lanjut 3
5 TM185205Mekanika Material Lanjut 3
6TM185206Getaran Mekanis 3
7TM185207Proses Pemesinan 3
8TM185208Desain Produk 3
9TM185209Dinamika Mesin Perkakas3
10TM185210Teknik Pembakaran 3
11TM185211Dinamika Kendaraan3
12TM185212Pemodelan Sistem Dinamis3
13TM185213Ekonomi dan Manajemen Energi3
14TM185210Teknik Pembakaran3
15TM185215Keandalan dan Manajemen Pemeliharaan3
16TM185216Riset Operasional3
17TM185220Analisa Kegagalan Material3
18TM185221Metode Elemen Hingga3
19TM185222Rekayasa Kualitas3
20TM185223Metalurgi Manufaktur3
21TM185224Mekanika Komposit 3
22TM185225Sistem Pengendalian Linier3
23TM185226Mekanika Fluida3
24TM185227Aliran Viscous3
25 TM185301Komputasi Fluida & Perpan3
26TM185302Energi Surya3
27TM185303Aliran Dua Fase3
28TM185304Manajemen dan Ekonomi Energi3
29TM185305Optimasi Desain3
30 TM185306Teori Pengendalian Modern3
31TM185307Analisa Kegagalan Material3
32TM185310Aerodinamika Profil3
33TM185311Analisa Pencemaran Lingkungan3
32TM185316Topik Khusus 13
35TM185317Topik Khusus 23
36TM185318Topik Khusus 3 3

Mata Kuliah Wajib S2

Semester ISemester II
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKSNoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1TM185100Metode Penelitian dan Komunikasi Ilmiah21TM1852xxMata Kuliah Pilihan 13
2 TM185101Matematika Rekayasa Lanjut32TM1852xxMata Kuliah Pilihan 23
3TM185102Metode Numerik untuk Rekayasa Mekanika33TM1852xxMata Kuliah Pilihan 33
4TM185103Desain Eksperimen34TM1852xxMata Kuliah Pilihan 43
Semester IIISemester IV
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKSNoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1TM185300Proposal Tesis21TM185400TESIS8
2TM1852xxMata Kuliah Pilihan 53TOTAL8
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