Curriculum (2018-2023)
This curriculum is in effect from 2018 to 2023
The structure of the curriculum of the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program refers to the Rector’s Decree No. 32 of 2019 which provides a minimum study load of 36 credits with additional activities, equivalent to 120 ECTS. The MoME program offers four areas of specialization, namely:
- Mechanical Systems Design
- Manufacturing
- Energy conversion technology
- Metallurgy
The structure of the curriculum for each department follows the same pattern, namely a load of 36 credits (SKS) scheduled for four semesters, with 11 credits of required courses, 15 credits of electives, and 10 credits of thesis (2 credits of thesis proposal and 8 credits of thesis).
The document of Curriculum 2018-2023 can be downloaded here