Master Degree – Profile of Graduate

Profile of Graduate

The Graduates of Master Program of Mechanical Engineering Department (MoME) are awarded Master of Engineering (Magister Teknik/MT). Based on Director Learning and Student Affairs Numb. 46/B/HK/2019 regarding study programs in the college, the degree is used for all areas of Engineering. The industry is usually looking for specific employees, such as Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering.

MoME graduates as mechanical engineers are expected to think analytically and work to solve complex problems. MoME graduates are expected to fill the following skill profiles:

  1. Engineers, dealing with the industrial process problem in mechanical engineering.
  2. Researchers, working in a team of scientists in a research institution or a company
  3. Faculty members/lecturers/academic staff, who work at a college to teach students, conduct research and community service, and pursue advanced degrees.
  4. Entrepreneurs, who are starting their own business
  5. Government officials, working in a government agency
  6. Consultants, working in a mechanical engineering consulting firm
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