The Energy Conversion Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKE) as one of the study programs within the Faculty of Vocational Studies ITS which organizes educational, teaching, research and community service activities in the field of Mechanical Engineering in accordance with national ideals to educate the nation’s life. All activities carried out by the TRKE Study Program are based on Pancasila as the philosophy of the nation and state ideology. The TRKE Study Program is oriented towards Mechanical Engineering applications, especially students who are expected to be able to design and apply Green Energy to energy conversion machines. Some areas of expertise include light vehicle engineering, rotating equipment, electrical energy generation, mechanical design and renewable energy. The purpose of this orientation is so that graduates can more easily adapt in all fields of mechanical engineering, especially energy conversion engineering. In addition, they are expected to be able to master the basic science of mechanical engineering and be able to practice it actually in the field, be familiar with information technology, be able to logic and reason well, be able to develop themselves continuously, and have a professional personality.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2022 concerning New Student Admissions for Diploma Programs and Undergraduate Programs at State Universities, the implementation of the 2023 SNPMB Applied Bachelor Program (D4) Energy Conversion Engineering Technology is carried out through three channels, namely:
- National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP)
- National Test-Based Selection (SNBT)
- Independent and Achievement Partnership Selection (SKMP)
The capacity of new students in the Applied Bachelor Program (D4) Energy Conversion Engineering Technology accepted through SNBP is at least 26% (twenty-six percent), through SNBT at least 40% (forty percent), and through SKM at most 34% (thirty-four percent) in accordance with the Decree of the ITS Chancellor number 41/IT2/T/HK.00.01/V/2024 concerning the determination of the capacity of new undergraduate (S-1) and applied undergraduate (D-4) programs at the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Data on the relationship between Capacity (C) 2024 and Interest Data (ID) 2023, D4 Manufacturing Engineering Technology Study Program is as follows:
- SNBP: 23 (C), 73 (ID)
- SNBT: 36 (C), 505 (ID)
- SKM: 31 (C), 505 (ID)