graduate profile

graduate profile

Diploma Study Program The Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering ITS has determined to produce quality profiles of graduates “Mechanical Industrial Engineers”, that is:

  • Engineering Supervisor
  • Technopreneur
  • Engineering Consultant
  • Design Engineer
  • Project Engineer

who are able to work not limited to energy and power systems (conventional and renewable energy) and the automotive industry.

This graduate profile has been harmonized with Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) based on Presidential Regulation number 8 of 2012, National Standards for Higher Education based on Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 49 of 2014, Vision and Mision of ITS, and graduate competency defined by the Mechanical Engineering Cooperation Agency is an organization that provides mechanical engineering education in Indonesia.

The diploma education program of the Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department is scheduled in 6 (six) semesters with study load in semester credit units (credits) of at least 110 credits consisting of two stages, that is :

  • Preparation phase
    • At this stage, all diploma program students of the Mechanical Engineering Department must take as many as 40 credits, scheduled for 2 (two) semesters.
  • Diploma Stage
    • At this stage, all diploma program students of the Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department are required to take as many as 70 credits scheduled in 4 (four) semesters including 21 credit groups of elective courses, practical work and final assignments of the chosen field of expertise.

Learn more about the Course in the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering

Kurikulum DTMI

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