Nogogeni ITS won achievements in KMHE 2018

The Department of Mechanical Industry Engineering (DTMI), Faculty of Vocational, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

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International Business Summit 2018

Daftar Merchant yg akan TTD MOU dgn IKA ITS utk Co-branding di KTA IKA

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Hobbies together bring Achievement

Cycling is now a trend in the community. However, cycling can not only be

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Nogogeni is ready to compete in KMHE 2018

Through the Launching of the ITS Team Vehicle Development Project, Thursday, November 15, 2018,

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Department of Mechanical Industry Engineering student pursuing international study abroad

The Department of Mechanical Industry Engineering, Faculty of Vocational ITS seeks to improve the

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Testimonial from ITS Chancellor for the opening of LSP-ITS

  Congratulations to the Department of Mechanical Industry Engineering who has obtained the ITS

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UGM Faculty of Vocational Mechanical Engineering Diploma visit to ITS-Surabaya

In order to increase the knowledge and experience in the world of work, students

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Welding Practice

A total of 15 Students of the Mechanical Industry Engineering Department of the Vocational

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