Guest Lecture DTMI
Surabaya, November 22, 2024
TheDepartment of Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya held a guest lecture entitled “Basic Maintenance Heavy Eqipment ” on Friday, November 22, 2024. This activity aims to provide insight to students regarding the maintenance of heavy equipment used in the mining industry and how to prepare students’ careers before entering the industrial world.
In this guest lecture, Mr. Eko Yudi Utomo, a Reliability Engineer from Altynalmas Company, Kazakhstan, was present as a guest speaker. He explained in detail and simply so that students could understand matters related to heavy equipment management, technical analysis, and performance improvement and maintenance in the mining industry.
The guest lecture began with singing the ITS hymn and then remarks from Ir. Suhariyanto, M.Sc. as Secretary of the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering. Then continued with the presentation of material by the speakers, in this session DTMI students listened to the material with great enthusiasm. The material provided includes how the relationship between universities and industry, the mining process, the basic principles of maintenance, component analysis, and how to flow to apply for jobs on an international scale.
At the end of the guest lecture, the speakers gave students the opportunity to ask questions and were greeted enthusiastically by the students. The event was closed by giving certificates by the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering to the speakers and a group photo session. This guest lecture is expected to give students more insight before finally plunging into the world of the mining industry.
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