D4 Energy Conversion Engineering Technology Study Program wins SPMI award
Surabaya, November 10, 2024
Coinciding with Heroes’ Day, the D4 Energy Conversion Engineering Technology Study Program won an award as the best Academic and Student Affairs Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Implementation Applied Undergraduate Study Program ranked 1st. This achievement was achieved thanks to the hard work of all levels of lecturers, staff, and students who were actively involved in improving academic quality in the D4 Energy Conversion Engineering Technology study program.
This award is given in the form of a certificate as proof of the achievement of the D4 Energy Conversion Engineering Technology study program. The certificate was handed over to the Head of the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Ir. Heru Mirmanto, M.T. after a series of Heroes’ Day ceremonies held at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) library field. This event is an important moment that not only commemorates the services of heroes, but also recognizes the struggle for a better world of education. With this achievement, the D4 Energy Conversion Engineering Technology Study Program is expected to continue to maintain and improve the quality of education and become a role model for other study programs.
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