The Training of Industrial Chemistry Applications in Salt Processing is held and aimed at all SMK Teachers in East Java. The Chairman of the 2022 Industrial Chemistry Application Training, Daril Ridho Zuchrillah ST.MT stated that this training is aimed at improving the competence of Teachers in producing qualified students. “Especially since many SMK chemical industry teachers are not graduates of chemical engineering science,” said the lecturer from the Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering (DTKI) of the Vocational Faculty of ITS. In 2022, the activity was carried out in hybrid mode with 177 participants spread almost throughout Indonesia. This training is filled with material provision through the online meeting zoom platform for 3 weeks, where participants are taught the salt processing process. The favorite video winner was achieved by the teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Lumajang, even the DTKI ITS also appointed SMK Negeri 3 Madiun as the best video winner.
The presentation of the most favorite video plaque by the Chairman of Industrial Chemistry Application Training 2022 by Daril Ridho ZuchrillahnST.MT (right) to the representative of SMKN 1 Lumajang.
The Master’s graduate in Chemical Engineering from ITS explained that there are no specific qualifications for SMK teachers who wish to participate in this training as registration is free of charge. Therefore, this training will be held regularly every year by DTKI.
Discussion between lecturers from the Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering with teachers from SMK Negeri 1 Lumajang.
After receiving the training, schools that participated in this program were assigned to upload videos of laboratory practices in their respective schools related to salt making according to the guidelines that have been established. The videos were made to be presented at the end of the program. “This training is truly amazing, the participants compete to produce the best video and certainly in accordance with the established content,” said the chairman of the training committee.
Initiation of collaborative discussions with the Provincial Government’s DPMPTSP. Jakarta Special Region. This discussion was initiated by the
Prof. Adjie Pamungkas, S.T., M. Dev.Plg., Ph.D. (Dean of CIVPLAN ITS) and his staff, while from PT Adhi Karya
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has long been a crucible for future leaders, particularly through the Faculty of Intelligent