Undergraduate courses in the Department of Civil Engineering ITS taken within eight semesters or four years. To obtain a bachelor degree, students of the Department of Civil Engineering of ITS need to complete 144 Semester Credit Units (SKS) during the lecture and take the TOEFL exam with a minimum score of 477.
Research at the Department of Civil Engineering ITS is supported by adequate laboratories and equipment to support student learning activities, facilitate research of academic staff, as well as strengthen the role of consultant in the industry.
International Undergraduate Program (also known as IUP) is a bachelor program which implements English as the language of instruction. The program offers regular undergraduate curriculum and provides opportunities for students to take part in international activities in the form of Study excursion, Internship in an international or multinational company, Student exchange, Summer/short course, and Joint degree.
Department of Civil Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) brings the vision to become a reference center of Civil Engineering in Indonesia that supports the development of innovative and internationally reputable infrastructure.
Organize to improve soft skills of the students of the Department of civil engineering
The Civil Engineering Department which brings the vision as a Civil Engineering reference center in Indonesia
A graduate of the Civil Engineering has career opportunities across the enterprise or entrepreneurship.
In a groundbreaking move, the Civil Engineering (CE) department at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has embraced Authentic Assessment
We are thrilled to announce that the Department of Civil Engineering at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is a
For students of the Civil Engineering Master’s Study Program whose student status is active and will or are currently
Join us at this prestigious international seminar, where scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe will gather to
Civil Engineering Department offer undergraduate programme and graduate programme
ITS menyediakan jalur pendaftaran program studi sarjana (S1) melalui SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Program Kemitraan dan Mandiri (PKM). Program studi pascasarjana (S2 dan S3) melalui pascasarjana. Bagi calon mahasiswa internasional melalui International Office.
ITS offers more than 200 programme