The laboratories are adequate and up-to-date
There are 6 laboratories at the DCE that can accommodate 30-50 students per laboratory. This consists of education and experimental laboratory, including 1 computer laboratory. Each laboratory is supervised by the Head of Laboratorium who is responsible to the Head of Department. The laboratories are: Concrete, Advanced Material and Computational Mechanics Laboratory; Structure Laboratory; Soil and Rock Mechanics Laboratory; Transportation and Road Materials Laboratory, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering Laboratory and Construction Management Laboratory. These laboratories are facilitated with sufficient laboratory equipments. Each laboratory has an experienced technician, standard operation procedures for all equipments, as well as guidelines and record of equipment utilisation. These facilities can be utilised by all academic staff and student within ITS, including DCE.
The Civil Engineering Department which brings the vision as a Civil Engineering reference center in Indonesia which support the development of innovative infrastructure and international reputation. Courses offered by the Department of civil engineering is ITS undergraduate programs, master’s degree Program (S2) and Doctoral Program (Doctoral). The Civil Engineering Department which is currently supported by 6 laboratories including the following:
- Laboratory of Concrete, Advanced Material and Computational Mechanic
- Laboratory of Structure
- Laboratory of Soil and Rock Mechanics
- Laboratory of Road and Pavement Transportation
- Laboratory of Water Resources and Coastal Engineering
- Laboratory of Construction Management
Laboratory provided aims to support students ‘ learning process and also aims to develop research or collaboration in ITS Civil Engineering Department.