The library is adequate and up-to-date
Library is one of the facilities provided by the Civil Engineering Department for students as well as the civitas academic in terms of hire service, returns, renewals, various collections library supporting teaching and learning in ITS Civil Engineering Department
The DCE’s reading room has various reference collections. Almost all course subjects have a reference that available in the reading room. In addition, thesis and final projects are available in the DCE’s reading room. There are more than one thousand books are available in reading room. Table 2.10.4 show in detail the number of books availabel in the reading room. Students also can access to online international journals through www.sciencedirect account registered on behalf of ITS. List of e-jounals that can be accessed at DCE within ITS are presented in Appendix 2.10.2. ITS library is accredited with an “A” level (Appendix 2.10.3), which supports internal library and reading room at each department. ITS library can also be accessed via For national journals, students can access online through library portal across the nation. These adequate facilities on journals, books, references significantly assist students and academic staff to improve their scientific/academic knowledge and be updated with the reserach progress on environmental science and technology.
The internal reading room is facilitated with air conditioning, chairs and tables for reading, racks for storing of bag, and computers that has full internet access to library resources. The reading room is open from 08.00 to 16:00 daily only on Monday to Friday. Continous improvements to a better access to online resources are in progress.
Be the best library service provider for users
Collect all things about information related to the science of civil engineering
Hours Of Service
Monday-Friday: 08.00-16.00
Saturday, Sunday and National Holiday