To all undergraduate and graduate students of Civil Engineering Department of ITS.
We are currently working on the topics related to:
“Redefining A New Precast System of Resilient Slab-Track Structure for High-Speed Train”
We are pleased to invite you to join our research and be part of our team with join our webinar.
Date and Time:
Friday, 29/07/2022
13.30 WIB
Zoom link will be sent by Email / Whatsapp.
Registration link:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 846 9113 5190
Passcode: 064353
Laboratory of Concrete, Advanced Material, and Computational Mechanics
While authentic assessment is key if you want to prepare industry-ready graduates and make sure your students achieve complex
One of the tools created by the CALOHEA Erasmus+ project participants in order to facilitate recognition of degrees and
As a participant in the CALOHEA project from the Department of Civil Engineering at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS),