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Design and Construction of Insect Pest Extermination Equipment Based on Ultrasonic Wave and Light Trap Technology With PV Energy Source

Indonesia is an agricultural country where the majority of the population are farmers. The agricultural sector plays an important role in the national economy. This is indicated by the population or many workers who work as farmers. In Pepe Village, Pituruh District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java. The biggest main factor faced by farmers at this time is insect pests, be it leafhoppers, grasshoppers or birds that attack so that the production of rice is not optimal. The approach to using technology can be an alternative in pest control.

From the emergence of these problems, it became the main reason for the Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Pengabdian Masyarakat Team ITS which was fostered by the supervising lecturer Brian Raafiu S.ST, M.T from the Instrumentation Engineering department of the Vocational Faculty-ITS to create an Insect Pest Control tool based on Ultrasonic Wave and Light Trap with PV Energy Sources. The energy that can be used is photovoltaic energy, then if during the day the system runs, namely ultrasonic waves with an HCSR running sirtu motor to detect the presence of pests and then when it detects the blazer will issue ultrasonic waves. Then if it is night the system that runs is the light trap. The light will turn on then it will invite pests. When the pest is trapped then the pest will fall into the water that has been filled with detergent. So that with this tool it is hoped that it can help the problems experienced by farmers, namely eradicating pests so that they can increase the productivity of rice farmers in Pepe Village, Purworejo Regency, Central Java.