The Nuraksa Lombok Forest Park is the only conservation area in NTB whose management is the responsibility of the NTB Provincial Government which is the last bastion of defense. Regional diversity can be maintained and sustainable. One of the potential commodities is candlenut which is owned by about 90% of the people there with an average of 5-6 trees per family. Conservation of the Lombok Nuraksa Forest Park can run well if the surrounding community is empowered to improve their welfare.
The main problem is that people are lazy to peel the candlenut shells so they are ready to sell. They choose to peel off to the first and second shells on their own until the fibers in the last shell are gone. This condition causes the candlenut shell to turn black and the candlenut fruit in the shell turns yellow so that the selling price drops significantly and is not suitable for export. Based on these conditions, the ITS ABDIMAS team and BUMDES as cooperation partners need to empower the community through the application of appropriate technology in the form of shell-breaking machines and candlenut oil processing to increase the selling value.
The realization of the output, namely appropriate technology tools in the form of shell breaker and candlenut oil processing, has been completed and the handover of the tool is carried out. So that the Bumdes as a partner of Abdimas ITS is prepared to carry out mass production because the market response is very good in the form of high demand for candlenut oil products.