ITSprovement (ITS Improvement) is an annual ideas and innovation competition event organized by the ITS Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations. The aim of holding this event is to accommodate innovative ideas from all ITS Education Personnel (Tendik) to increase the productivity and quality of ITS employment. Coming back, ITSprovement in 2023 brings the theme “Continuous Improvement in Project-Based on Organization” as the core of the event. Presenting two competition paths, namely ITSprovement 7 for Tendik and ITSprovement Recall for finalists in the previous edition of the competition.
ITSprovement 7 divides the theme into 3 big topics, namely work and service system management, energy and waste management and finally the application of 5S+S culture. The output of the implementation idea is in the form of a Strategic Approach such as forming an ecosystem, making policies and simulating its implementation can then be in the form of a Product-Based Solution, namely ITS-based technology, tools, machines or products. The number of proposal ideas collected from the participating teams reached 96 proposals with various creative and inspiring titles. Of the total, 30 best idea proposals were selected in stage 1 of judging.
The ITSprovement 7 awarding and exhibition was held at Plaza Dr. ITS KPA figures on December 18 2023. 1st place was won by 3 teams, namely the Wonder Woman Team, the Last Detectives team and the DHA team. The Wonder Woman team succeeded in winning 1st place with a new breakthrough entitled Developing a Hardskill Competency Mapping Model for Tendik Positions. This team consists of Yeni Febriani from the Information Systems Department, Rahayu Wijayanti and Nur Layla from the Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations (DSDMO).
Yeni said that it took her and her team 6 to 7 months to create a workforce competency measurement tool that was proposed for the ITSprovement 7 competition. The development of this innovation was inspired because so far there has been no measuring tool for hard skills competency mapping in each position and competency mapping has not been adjusted to standards. “The impact is often inappropriate placement of staff in this field which causes work productivity to decrease,” explained Yeni.
The teacher from the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology also conveyed the challenges when making products as well as the impression and message when participating in competitions. “Testing the validity and reliability of each question to check workforce capabilities is a challenge for us. “But despite these obstacles, we are happy and feel exciting because our work has paid off by becoming winners,” he said.
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