Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

To become a world-class university Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has Vision and Mission to help its way to aim higher levels and become better. The Vision and Mission can also be used as a promise of what will ITS give to the students.

Vision of ITS 2020-2030

Become a world-class university that contributes to the independence of the nation and becomes a reference in education, research and community service also the development of innovation, especially those that support industry and marine.

Mission of ITS

Contribute to science and technology for the welfare of society through activities in education, research, community service and management based on information and communication technology.


  1. Organizing information technology and communication-based higher education with curriculum, lecturers and international quality learning methods.
  2. Create graduates who believe in the Almighty God also have moral and noble character
  3. Equipping graduates with technology-based entrepreneurship knowledge.


Take an active role in the development of science and technology, especially in the fields of maritime affairs, environment and settlements, energy, and environmental-based information and communication technology through international research activities.

Community Service

Utilizing all the resources that are owned and participate to solve problems that are faced by the community, industry, central government, and local governments in organizing educational, research, and community service activities.


  1. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) management is carried out by noticing the principles of good governance which are supported by information and communication technology;
  2. Creating a conducive atmosphere and providing full support to students, lecturers, educational staff to be able to develop themselves and give maximum contributions to society, industry, science, and technology
  3. Develop networks to synergize with other universities, industries, communities, and the central government, as well as local governments in organizing educational, research and community service activities.
  4. Utilizing information and communication technology in managing institution systems.