World Class University

Measurement of Interdisciplinary Research

The world is changing rapidly in terms of economy, technology, information, etc. Furthermore, Indonesia is still trying to improve its economy, education, technology, and employment opportunities on a national scale in various ways. One of the ways is related to research, publications, journals, papers, and the education world. Moreover, research results can later be used to support Indonesia, especially in the field of education and industrial innovation in the future.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Directorate of Research and Community Service) supports the acceleration of educational development in Indonesia. Through research that not only focuses on mono-discipline but also innovates by making research that is consortium, multidisciplinary, cross-faculty / department with Flagship Research and Collaboration Research Center. Furthermore, with interdisciplinary research, it is expected that research results will be beneficial for education and national excellence. In addition, interdisciplinary research can make solutions for the future that support Sustainable Development Goals faster, because it can accelerate a solution from various perspectives.

As a result, in 2021, ITS managed to produce a total of 27 interdisciplinary research, and 25 of them were amongst science disciplines. Most of the research still focuses on health care because in 2021 Indonesia is still experiencing a pandemic and an even worse situation.

Evidence can be seen further in the attached file on pages 11, 18, and 23. Download here
In addition, website for Directorate Directorate of Research and Community Service can be seen in the following link: https://www.its.ac.id/drpm/id/program-kegiatan/penelitian/program-program-penelitian/

ITS' Research Guide

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