World Class University
January 20, 2023 04:01

ITS and Panasonic Collaboration Launches Indonesian-Made LED Bulbs

Oleh : itsinternational2 | | Source : -
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is committed to continuing its technology development collaboration with the industrial world and government. This year, ITS has collaborated with PT Panasonic Global Life Solution Manufacturing and the Pasuruan City Government to produce an Indonesian-made LED bulbs, which were officially launched and marketed on Friday, January 20th, 2023.
As one of the efforts to work on the Bangga Buatan Indonesia (BBI) national movement, ITS collaborated with industry and government through the Kedaulatan Indonesia dalam Reka Cipta (Kedaireka) program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). ITS Rector, Prof. Mochamad Ashari, mentioned the hard work of ITS academics, the Pasuruan City Government, and PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solution Manufacturing in creating the product.
The launch of the BBI LED Bulbs marks a major step forward in meeting the high demand for lamps in Indonesia. On average, each Indonesian household needs at least five lamps, adding to the already immense need for lamps in the country. This collaboration has doubled the production capacity of lamps from 50 million per year to 100 million per year, helping to not only meet the demand in Indonesia but also in the export market.
This collaboration is part of an effort to raise the level of domestic components (TKDN) in Indonesia’s electronics industry. The BBI LED Bulbs come in 14 models with seven voltage options, allowing customers to choose the right lights for their needs. The bulbs are also equipped with anti-blue light and anti-flicker technology to protect the eyes and improve lighting comfort, productivity, and energy efficiency. During the launch, the ITS Rector, Director of PT Panasonic, and Deputy Mayor of Pasuruan visited the factory to inspect the manufacturing process. It is expected that this collaboration will bring benefits to many parties by boosting national LED bulb production and improving the well-being of the people

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